Schedule Facebook Future Status Updates

Facebook Future Status Updates By PostCron :

PostCron: In this you can schedule your posts including photos, links, videos, Also posts in Twitter and Facebook too.

Schedule Facebook Future Status Updates

Future Status Updates By Postplanner :



As the name suggests, it plans all the posts in advance as per your requirements. It is a free Facebook application and you can manage all your fan pages right in one place.


How to Download Facebook History

Download Facebook History :

To Download Facebook history click on the account a setting and it will take you to the general account setting page.There you to the general account setting page.There you will find a Link "download a copy" at the bottom of the page.Click on the link to download the entire Facebook history

Change Facebook Posted Via Text

Update Your Facebook Status From A Mobile :

Have you noticed that when you update your Facebook status from a mobile, Facebook adds a "Posted via Mobile" link at the bottom of it? You can change that to say hilarious things like "via Carrier Pigeon" or "via My Bedroom." To do this, just go to PostedVia, choose a delivery option and update your status or post to a friend's wall.

Tag Someone on Facebook Using Only Their First Name

Using Only Their First Name :

Many people don’t know that you can friends in statuses using only their first name. This also works for comments and pictures as well!
1. Tag your friends as you normally would by inserting the @ symbol followed by their name and clicking on their profile on the dropdown menu as shown.

2. Insert your cursor directly after their last name and begin deleting their last name.

3. Your friends first name will remain highlighted in gray as shown, meaning it will properly tag them in your status.

Update Facebook Satus in Blue Color

Update Satus Blue Color :

Paste below code in your staus box and write your text in place of your text

                                    @@[1:[0:1: your text]]

Permanently Deactivate/Delete Facebook Account

Deactivate/Delete Facebook Account :

Many of the users are confused between deleting and deactivating an account.So they dont find any option and go for deactivating an account.But deactivating and deleting a Facebook account is not the same.Deactivating means staying away from your account and all your photos,updates,activities will be there as usual and you can reactivate it whenever you want to.Deleting a Facebook account means erasing everything that is already existing in you Facebook account like photos,videos,updates etc.

Permanently deleting a Facebook account URL is not available readily.It is not visible easily because it doesn't exist in your account settings/options.It exists in Facebook help and very difficult to replace it with your profile link.So click the following link that will be redirected to delete Facebook account page.


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